Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Literature Review On Childhood Trauma Essay - 1113 Words

Literature Review Article Critique Jocelyn Claudio Widener University September 25, 2016 Overview The authors of this literature review evaluated studies completed on adults who were 50 years or older and also experienced trauma as a child. They reviewed the impact childhood trauma has on their mental and physical health as older adults. They collected findings from 23 studies that were published between 1996 through 2011 and concluded that childhood trauma did in fact have negative effects on older adults mental and physical health. Although it is well known that trauma at a young age can have serious effects, especially on development, it is interesting to see how it also transitions into late adulthood. Description Research Topic/Purpose The authors aim to identify the mental and physical risks in late adult life that has been negatively influenced by childhood trauma. There are two purposes of this literature review. Results can help develop support or intervention strategies that foster resilience throughout the life course by investigating the correlation childhood trauma has on older adults’ well being (Maschi et. al., 2013, p. 62). Another purpose is to address the gap in literature that examines the influence traumatic events has on later life health. Key Concepts of the Literature The key concept of this literature review is to better understand how childhood trauma is associated with mental health, such as post-traumatic stress disorderShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Adverse Childhood Experiences On Student Learning919 Words   |  4 PagesThe Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Student Learning Research Questions The Beebe Public School District is a rural district located about thirty minutes from the state’s capital. 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